Saturday 7 June 2008

Bruce Springsteen finds old age liberating

Washington (ANI): Veteran rocker Bruce Springsteen is more than happy to be approaching his 60th birthday, because he believes that old age is liberating. The 58-year-old says that he is more contented with his life now, than when he was a young rock star because he has more freedom with his career. Springsteen, who turns 60 next year (09), confessed that he can now stop trying to gratify the music industry and pursue his own chosen path instead - something he couldn't have done when he was in his twenties. "My take on the whole thing is, by the time you're my age the race is over. These are the victory laps. I can make any kind of music I want to make," Contactmusic quoted him, as saying. "There are no rules. I'm not worried about whether I'm going to be competing with 50 Cent. All that pressure is off," he added.